Raphael Neu Homeopathy
In person Clinics – Bristol and Cambridge
Online Clinic – Worldwide

Why choose Homeopathy
The aim of homeopathy, which was discovered in 1796 by Dr Samuel Hahenneman, is to stimulate the body’s own ability to heal itself. When the appropriate remedy is matched and given to the patient, the body is stimulated to work in harmony where it hasn’t. As a form of medicine and therapy, homeopathy is safe for use by everyone, including young children and babies as well as pregnant women and the elderly.
At present, homeopathy is used by over 200 million people around the world and is part of the national health service in the UK, France, Germany, Brazil, Israel and India.
About Me
I graduated as a certified homeopath in 1995 from The Israeli College for Homeopathy and completed the Dynamis School of Advanced homeopathic medicine in 2002.
I practiced as a homeopath at the Complementary Medicine Center of Clalit Health Services for four years while running my own private clinic. During this time I also served on the board of the Israeli Society for Classical Homeopath.
Since moving to Cambridge in 2002, I continued to promote homeopathy at many levels – through conferences and seminars, mentoring, teaching and writing. I am co-author of the mental qualities repertory “Q-Rep” with Jeremy Sherr and published articles in the journals of the English and Israeli associations for homeopathy alongside coordinates international homeopathic projects with leading homeopaths around the world.
Since 2017 I established a clinic in Bristol and my Online clinic, offering online video consultations. To read reviews about me on an independent site, please follow this link: https://www.bark.com/en/gb/amp/company/raphael-neu-online-clinic/ARY3X/

About Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a safe, holistic system of medicine that stimulates the natural healing ability of the body. In use for over 200 years, since its discovery by Dr Samuel Hahnemann in Germany (1796), homeopathy follows the principle, coined by Paracelsus, ‘like cures like’, If a particular substance can cause specific symptoms in a healthy individual, that same substance can cure an individual suffering of those same symptoms. Hahnemann discovered that this principle works if the substance undergoes the process of turning it to a homeopathic remedy.
Homeopathic remedies are prepared by homeopathic pharmacies and can be made in principle from any substance. Most remedies are made of plants and minerals. These substances are repeatedly diluted until they reach a safe, non-toxic level suitable for use as a homeopathic remedy.

Consultations in clinic and online

In a homeopathic consultation, the focus is on the symptoms the patient finds detrimental to their health and sense of well-being. I will normally ask questions about the patient’s lifestyle and general state of health. The goal of the consultation is to identify the remedy that most appropriately matches both the particular patient’s symptoms and general state of health.
The initial consultation lasts an hour and a half to two hours. It is followed by a 45 minute to an hour session 4-6 weeks later.
Further intervals between follow-up consultations are chosen between one consultation to the next, as suitable for the patient.
In the follow-up appointment, I will assess any changes in health. Using this information I will draw up a plan for the patient’s ongoing treatment.
Between consultations, the patient is suggested to record any changes observed. This will help me assess in the next consultation if modifications need to be made to the treatment plan. Patients are encouraged to use email, voicemail or phone conversations to keep me updated in any case it’s needed between consultations.
Homeopathic First Aid Courses
Online Courses available
5 weekly sessions
Morning course 10am-12.00pm
Evening course 6.30pm-8.30pm
Contact Raphael for details
The course presents the basic ideas forming the foundation of Classical Homeopathy, alongside guidance in the practical use of homeopathic remedies for treating acute situations.
Learn the Basics of Homeopathy and understand how to use it in situations such as:
• Injuries, Bruises, Sprains, Strains
• Teething, Acute digestive issues
• Fever, Flu, Cold, Food poisoning
• Hay fever, Hang-over, Jet-lag
• Throat, Ear and Sinus inflammation
• Exams anxiety and Emotional shock

Raphael Neu, a Classical homeopath for 28 years, has a real passion for teaching the holistic / homeopathic approach for how health is maintained in our mind and body, a friendly and interactive and engaging way of presenting and years of experience teaching homeopathic first-aid courses. He is the author of the Homeopathic First Aid booklet that accompanies the course.